
Mylearn is a we enabled and mobile optimised online learning solution specifically designed for corporate trainees who require to take courses in the go. MyLearn engine has been developed in such a way that the contents are 100% user customizable. Which means an organization from any sector can incorporate any applicable content and deliver to their target group if trainees.

MyLearn enables the user to access the information on the go and on demand. The information is available 24/7 on cross platform devices. The software enables the users to undertake a self paced study and also is equipped with ongoing self appraisal.

In order to mitigate the gap of face to face interaction like the traditional classroom session, the software is equipped with clarification and ask a question features. It also has subject specific dictionary for a better understanding of the subjects.

Skill enhancement

UsersĀ  can use MyLearn to prepare for a new Skills or gain skills to be more productive on their current Job

Interactive Training
User training is included under MyLearn coverage and provide your employees with a self-paced training option without impacting your budget.

Reduced Training Costs

User training is included under MyLearn coverage and provide your employees with a self-paced training option without impacting your budget.